Thursday, January 8, 2015

Intermediate Figure class

As my elective this past semester I took intermediate figure - here are some selections from the semester!

Computer Animation 1

WHEW what a blast this class was!!! I had an amazing time getting introduced to Maya and computer animation. I can't believe how much I learned from this class in just one semester.

I was by far most proud of the last project, "Simple Poly" so I'll start with that!

Designed, modeled, rigged, lit, and animated this lil' guy! It was really cool to go through every step of the animation pipeline personally to create this project.

From paper to computer!
The dreaded Penguin project :D This project's focus was to teach us about modeling. We were shown a penguin "stress" toy and had to re-create it in Maya.

The project previous to The Penguin was "Primitive Theater."

Had to create 2 characters interacting in some form or another. Another really fun project that led us through the basic pipeline of animation! My first experience with creating a basic rig as well as modeling very simple things in Maya.

Ah and then the very first assignment - ball bounce :)

Concept Development - more animatics

"Drunk Rats" - had a lot of fun with this one! Requirements: 25 sec, 5 shots, 2 rats playing pool and one of them messes the other up by making an annoying sound with the pool chalk.

"Raven" - I don't like how this one turned out nearly as much as the Rats animatic, but it was still a good learning experience. Requirements: 25 sec, 5 shots, A Raven hits someone on the head with a flower pot.
As for the final animatic in the class - well let's just say I kind of made a mess of it. But hey I sorta like my original ideas for it, so here ya go - some pre-animatic work! :D
One of my first ideas was about a gingerbread man who must go into army-mode to reclaim his gingerbread wife.
Some concepts for the gingerbread story.

Another idea was about a homeless "hermit" who wants to live in the shell of an unfortunate little crab.

Final idea, and the one I ended up going with, is a story of a little girl who does not want to give up her first lost tooth.


Tooth fairy concepts.

The little girl.
Ultimately, the story didn't turn out how I intended, but I definitely learned a lot from it. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

More TA stuff!

Last 2 projects in Traditional Animation!

Lip Sync assignment - picked a short piece of dialogue from a movie and then animated it with a character of our own design. I picked a line by Jim Carrey in "The Grinch."

Here is the character sheet for the Lip Sync.

Dance!! Our last project was a group assignment. As a class we picked a song and then each of us animated a tiny segment of it. My class picked "December" and went with a holiday theme. Here's my portion of the project - Marshmallow the Stuffed animal Reindeer:) Decided to make him real squash and stretchy :D